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Why British Left India? | Reality of Mahatma Gandhi’s Role 

For the Quit India Movement, which began on August 8, 1942 at the Gwalior Tank Maidan in Mumbai, the departure of the British from India is a momentous chapter in history. This movement is shrouded in mystery. When the All India Congress Committee got together to announce an audacious final struggle against the colonial rule, it was a momentous occasion that forever changed the course of history.

For the purpose of rallying the masses to embrace the mantra of “Do or Die,” Mahatma Gandhi delivered a speech that became legendary in front of a sea of onlookers. This speech signalled an unwavering determination for freedom from the oppressive British regime. It was on that momentous day that the discontent that had been building up for years against the imperialist dominion finally reached a boiling point, which was the beginning of the current movement.

On the other hand, the British authorities were not taken aback by the situation. Several months earlier, their Home Department had painstakingly developed a three-step strategy to put down any potential uprising. The strategy began with the control of propaganda, then moved on to the seizure of Congress offices, and finally culminated in the suppression of the growing movement.

The Arrests and Ongoing Struggle

The leaders of the Congress party, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, were swiftly arrested the following day, which severely hampered the movement’s ability to have a visible leadership. However, this disruption did not discourage the movement; rather, it served as a catalyst for the development of an uplifting story of perseverance and determination.

Failed Negotiations and British Offers

This movement was the culmination of a series of unsuccessful negotiations and offers presented by the British. The struggle for independence had a long history, and this movement was the culmination of that struggle. During World War II, numerous attempts were made by the British government to secure the cooperation of the Indian people. These efforts included the August Offer in 1940 and the Cripps Mission in 1942. On the other hand, the Indian leaders, led by Congress, steadfastly demanded complete independence and rejected these offers.

Brave Hearts Amidst Oppression

The fervour of the Quit India Movement was fueled by the participation of a wide variety of people. Among them, Usha Mehta, who was only 22 years old at the time, was particularly noteworthy because she was the one who secretly operated Congress Radio 42.34. She became a beacon of information dissemination during the time when the British authorities were stifling mainstream media. Her courageous efforts were heard all over the country, and she narrowly escaped capture until she was finally apprehended.

The Call for Support and Ordinary Heroes

At the same time, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, who was living in exile in Berlin at the time, supported Gandhi’s movement through his Azad Hind Radio, thereby demonstrating a unified front for the liberation of India. In the midst of the chaos, ordinary citizens such as Matangini Hazra displayed extraordinary bravery by leading rallies despite the fact that they could have fatal consequences. This exemplifies the unyielding spirit of the widespread population.

Several Different Types of Opposition

There was widespread participation in the movement, which encompassed a variety of forms of civil disobedience. These included strikes in factories, disruptions in government operations, and even instances of violence in certain regions. Despite this, Mahatma Gandhi, who was worn down by the violent turn of events, expressed a pragmatic stance during which he blamed the chaos on the oppressive policies of the British.

Arguments in Opposition and Collaborative Efforts

There were, however, voices within India that disagreed with the fervour for independence that was prevalent at the time. In opposition to the Quit India Movement, the Muslim League, which was led by prominent figures such as Fazlul Huq, and the Hindu Mahasabha, which included prominent figures such as Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, were seen to be aligning themselves with the British. When compared to the overwhelming demand for freedom, this collaboration with the colonial power by certain Indian factions stood in stark contrast to the current situation.

Attention from around the world and shifts in political power

Despite this, the Quit India Movement was successful in accomplishing its goal, which was to bring attention from around the world to India’s fight for independence. Global leaders, such as President Roosevelt, exerted pressure on the government of the United Kingdom to address India’s aspirations, which caused the winds of change to blow internationally. It was a watershed moment in British history when, in 1945, the Labour Party, led by Clement Attlee, rose to power and became the dominant political party. The possibility of India achieving its goal of self-governance was on the horizon.

The Legacy That Will Last Forever

As a result of this change in power, the Congress leaders who had been imprisoned were released, which paved the way for India’s eventual achievement of independence. Despite the fact that it involved sacrifices and struggles, the movement was a significant step in India’s march towards freedom.